Bo - Tri-colour Beagle Dog
Bo Beagle is from a Hampstead, Studvet, Kingcourt pedigree lineage. He was born 13-07-2011 in the North West province in the heart of the winter. Among many Beagle names his was short just BO. His registered Beagle name is Bo of Jarocas. His father had a lot of Beagle training and always greet everybody who came to visit! You had to first play with him, throw a ball so that he could catch it and bring it back to you! As many other Beagle puppies Bo was very playful and active, a real softy but was learning very quickly! Beagles are great companions. They love close friendships! The Beagle is a pack dog, close associations and like to be around other Beagles, dogs and humans! If you do not close your gate they will go explore and greet whoever comes their way!
This Beagle stud is a real gentleman! He know his place! He has a soft shy nature to outsiders but to those he know he is ready to play and makes friends easy!
Bo is registered with KUSA with head office in Cape Town.
We have occasionally Beagle puppies for sale. Please contact us for our Beagle price and more info on our planned Beagle litters
For more on the Beagle read more HERE to see if the Beagle is the right breed for you.
For more info on Bo please contact us