Jarocas Kennels

Home of Good Natured Dogs and Puppies


Never tell your problems to anyone... 20% don't care and the other 80% are glad you have them  ~ Holtz

Beagles BJ - Meet our Beagle Dog Family

More on BJ

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BJ - Tri-colour Beagle male

Meet BJ our Tri-colour Beagle Male. He is son to Basie! He was born 23 May 2014. His Beagle name to us is BJ which we named as "Basie Junior". Beagles are loyal companions. They thrive on close friendship! The Beagle is a pack dog and like to be around other Beagles (especially), other dogs or of course people!

Beagle family dogs

BJ is registered with KUSA

Beagles are great companions

Beagle dogs and puppies

We have occasionally Beagle puppies for sale. Please contact us for our Beagle prices and more info on our planned Beagle litters

For more on the Beagle read more
HERE to see if the Beagle is the right breed for you.

For more info on BJ please contact us

Jarocas Kennels "For the soul of every living thing is in the Hand of God, and the breath of all mankind." Job 12:10 - Copyrighted 2012