Jarocas Kennels

Home of Good Natured Dogs and Puppies


If you are going through Hell, keep going ~ Churchill


New Litter Labrador Retriever & Beagle puppies

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Labrador Retriever puppies for sale or expected litters of our Labs:

See Chocolate, Brown, Yellow and Black Labrador puppies 

We have Yellow female Labrador Retriever puppies available that is ready to go. Price is R 5500.00 including KUSA registration. All our Labrador puppies are inoculated, dewormed, Health checked, micro-chipped and are registered. For more on the Labrador puppies please contact us.

Reservations at the moment on our Yellow and chocolate Labrador planned  litters - Please contact us for more details. 

Labradors or Labs - also called the Labrador Retriever are great family dogs! For more on the Labrador Retriever breedFor more on our Labrador puppies for sale please see "about our puppies"

Please contact us also for future planned litters if you are looking for Lab puppies later this year.


Tri-colour Beagle puppies for sale or expected litters of our Beagles:

We have a  Planned Tri-colour Beagle litter to be born soon! 

 Please contact for more details or to make reservation. Our Beagle puppies sell for R 5500.00 - we ask a R 1000.00 non refundable deposit to reserve a pup in the litter once they are born. To make a booking on a pup in a planned litter (unborn) is non refundable R 500.00. All our puppies for sale will be inoculated, Health checked, micro-chipped, de wormed, KUSA registered and will also go with a puppy starter pack - please see more on our puppies HERE

Beagles are child friendly and great family dogs! For more on the Beagle breed 

Please contact us for to make a booking in the planned litter!

Please contact us to reserve or for more details

Labrador Retriever and Beagle Breeders and dogs, puppies for sale in Pretoria Gauteng, South Africa

Flea Allergy Dermatitis

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Flea Allergy Dermatitis

All of us know the difficulties of totally controlling fleas. Fleas cause two problems – a generalized irritation (pruritis) and a more complex syndrome – flea allergy dermatitis. This is an immune response to the flea saliva and in the advanced state, requires one fleabite anywhere on the body. The lesion expresses as an alopecic (bald) area on the dog’s rump with intense irritation of a long lasting nature.

Fleas and mites are the cause of most skin irritations and infections among dogs, are itchy and cause dermatitis!

The solution to the problem is simple in theory – remove all fleas and the problem resolves. Easier said than done! Flea control is multifaceted.


A Short summary of the Labrador Retriever

A Short summary of the Labrador Retriever

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Jarocas Kennels "For the soul of every living thing is in the Hand of God, and the breath of all mankind." Job 12:10 - Copyrighted 2012